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Pini Spettinati

from 120 /pers
Start booking to get exact price, including discounts and additional services.
Рим, Porta Fubra (MA) (17 minuti on foot)
2270 m2
400 guests

On-site equipment and services

black chair, 150 Piece
Impianto audio
Sound, 3 Day
3 Day
Plates for 1 guest, 400 Guest
1 /Guest
Connessione internet via cavo
Wi-Fi, 3 Day
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

2270 m2
400 persone
6.00 m
Floor: 3
Parcheggio vicino all'edificio
Вход без документов без согласования
Amministratore non presente agli eventi
5prese di corrente
Фильтрованная вода из крана
1 toilet
Si può fumare fuori

Not permitted at this venue

Fare rumore la sera o la notte
Usare sostanze che possono macchiare (acqua, vernice, prodotti chimici e altro)

Average rating:
0 reviews
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owner about venue

Inside we have 270 sq. meters. Outside - 2000 sq. m.. 


More loft, ville a Roma.
More venues with impianto audio, videoproiettore, piatti a Roma.
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